The key to gathering better driver satisfaction feedback
Driving actionable data
French vehicle manufacturer Renault was struggling to collect feedback from customers after purchase and while using their vehicles.
Explore solutions across a range of channels and build a broader ecosystem approach to customer satisfaction surveys.
Navigating the path to higher quantity and higher quality insights
Through a series of prototypes, Method helped Renault consider multiple solutions, understand when it’s safe and appropriate to ask for customer feedback while in the vehicle, and provided recommendations on when and how to ask the right questions.
Two concepts were then prioritized for the final user experience definition of the in-situ driver feedback, for which the Method team further refined the designs and interaction.
In the final weeks of this engagement, the Method team further refined the interaction design and created a prototype accompanied by a concise recommendation summary document.
Both deliverables worked hand-in-hand to describe the concept and interaction mechanisms, how it would feel for the end user, and how Renault could leverage the concepts to more reliably gather higher-quality customer feedback to improve their product offering.
“One meaningful question answered with care is more valuable than long surveys gone unanswered.”
Discovering and delivering new value
Finding the solution to flawed data
Renault’s prior feedback mechanisms, such as paper-based questionnaires, had a low response rate and failed to capture an accurate picture of customer satisfaction.
The core questions we set out to address were, “How might we drive better engagement and conversion into quality data? Could we do so using a combination of the car’s in-car display/infotainment screen and the driver’s smartphone as feedback mechanisms?”
To find the answers to these questions, our team spent time at Renault’s R&D Center in Guyancourt, France, conducting stakeholder interviews and visiting test facilities. We interviewed business leaders from the Quality, Customer Satisfaction, Customer Insights, and Marketing teams.
We learned that accessing real owner data is challenging, as it is often siloed at the dealership level without a direct pathway to Renault corporate. Furthermore, results of customer satisfaction surveys appeared to conflict with pre-sales customer data.
Smart solutions take shape
The team kicked off the ideation Phase by defining key interaction principles and understanding the customer relationship journey with Renault, as well as more specific journeys relating to the car. With these structures in place, we then spent time ideating widely on interaction concepts for a typical user archetype.
Our initial set of hypotheses considered solutions that could take a variety of forms, from passive capture (using the car’s telematics to answer questions), to customer service strategies, to integration with new or existing digital companion devices.
Taking new concepts for a test drive
User validation sessions were conducted with drivers at the Renault Technocenter. Over the course of two days, we tested several prototypes with representative car buyers to gauge their appetite for the concepts and highlight potential issues. The sessions were conducted in a new Renault Clio car to make conditions as realistic as possible.
A key insight the validation sessions highlighted was the value in surfacing unused functionality to the drivers: tutorials and content that help drivers familiarize themselves with their cars. It also became clear that the car is a functional tool, and by emphasizing utility, drivers were more willing to invest time in giving feedback to Renault.
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